7 Ways You Can Tell if Your Dog Has Seasonal Allergies
Millions of people suffer from seasonal allergies in the spring and fall. In humans, symptoms usually include runny noses, itchy eyes, and sneezing or coughing. You might not realize that your dog might also suffer these same kinds of allergies.
Seven signs of seasonal allergies in dogs
Millions of people suffer from seasonal allergies in the spring and fall. In humans, symptoms usually include runny noses, itchy eyes, and sneezing or coughing. You might not realize that your dog might also suffer these same kinds of allergies.
Seven signs of seasonal allergies in dogs
Your dogs just might not react the same as people, and cannot tell you how they feel. Find out when to suspect your dog needs some immune-system support for seasonal allergy relief or even a prescription medication.
- According to PetMD, a canine's seasonal allergies most commonly show up as itchy skin. Your dog might frequently scratch or even bite himself to try to relieve the itch.
- Often caused by frequent scratching, your dog's skin might look inflamed or irritated. That can mean your pet has developed a secondary infection, which might need antibiotics from a vet to treat.
- Some dogs naturally shed the most in the spring and fall in order to develop their seasonal coat. Still, excessive scratching can also cause even more shedding and dandruff.
- If your dog appears to obsessively lick their paws, they might simply want to remove an allergen that's irritating them. Since their paws touch grass and other plants, that's a frequent source of irritation.
- Often, an itchy feeling in their anal area causes dogs to contort themselves to lick that irritated region. Sometimes, they will also scoot along the carpet, dragging their rear.
- Allergies can generate too much ear wax. In addition, your dog might try to scratch their itchy ears. Both of these problems increase the risk of ear infections. Ear infections can cause your pet considerable pain, and in time, they might even lead to a loss of hearing. You'll need a vet to treat the ear infection.
- While people with allergies often suffer from respiratory problems, it's a less common symptom in dogs. As a note, wheezing or coughing are more common in allergic cats.
Anti-allergy dog supplements for seasonal allergy relief
With some seasonal allergies, it's best to try to remove the allergen. Typically, pollen, grass, and trees cause seasonal allergies, so getting rid of them probably isn't possible unless you move to a desert. If you do suspect seasonal allergies, and your dog appears to scratch himself a lot, a warm bath with gentle pet shampoo can help somewhat.
In addition, you can buy special anti-allergy dog supplements that contain carefully chosen ingredients to support your dog's immune system. They work from the inside to help combat the internal causes of symptoms, like inflammation and an overactive immune system.
As an example, fish oil contains omega-3, an essential fatty acid that the American Kennel Club says is one of the most popular nutritional supplements for dogs. Not only might it provide allergy relief, it supports healthy skin, coats, and even hearts. Because omega-3 helps reduce inflammation, it may also speed recovery from injuries and ease the pain of dogs that suffer from stiff joints.
Dog immunity bites are as tasty as treats
You can buy fish oil in different forms. Remain wary of giving human supplements to your dogs because they might contain ingredients that don't hurt people but aren't good for pets. Moe’s Allergy & Immune Chews provide a convenient and safe way to get your dog to take their supplements and to ensure the right dose when they do.