
Best Ways to Avoid "Dog Breath" and Keep Your Pet's Mouth Fresh

Posted by Tiffany Brenner

Your pet might think you love his slobbery, doggy kisses as much as he does. If you do, that's great. However, sometimes a dog's breath might smell so bad it will encourage you to avoid getting your nose anywhere near his mouth.

In this case, foul dog breath means that it's time to figure out if the problem indicates a health issue or, most commonly, a simple lack of good dental hygiene. Either way, you or your vet can provide the right solution.


According to AKC, brushing a dog's teeth usually provides your pet with the simplest and best solution to bad breath. Just as with humans, brushing also helps prevent dental issues and even other health problems.

Of course, you can purchase a specially designed dog toothbrush and toothpaste made in flavors that dogs like. Also, human toothpaste might contain ingredients, like some artificial sweeteners, that dogs shouldn't have. Ideally, you should brush your dog's teeth as much as a couple times per day and not less than three times a week.

Even if you can't brush your dog's teeth frequently, you can improve your dog's oral health in other ways:

  • Besides brushing teeth, appropriate dog chews can also help keep your pet's teeth clean. As they reduce plaque and tartar, dog chews also provide pets with a restful activity that they appear to enjoy. Mostly, you should just select chews designed for the age and size of your pet.
  • Some companies even make specialty products that they designed to appeal to your dog's love of chewing, while helping to clean teeth and tongues. These dental chews and treats will let your dog take care of some dental hygiene matters on his own.
  • Either way, your dog will think he has a great treat or toy, and only you will know that he's also attending to his oral health and better breat


Better oral hygiene solves most dog breath problems. At the same time, foul breath can sometimes indicate a dietary or medical issue. Let’s look at some common examples.

Unsavory diets

Mostly, dogs sometimes engage in the unsavory habit of eating either their own, or another animal's, droppings. This can certainly cause bad breath. It's also a terrible idea because the waste might contain parasites, bacteria, or other disease-carrying contaminant

That's especially true if the dog eats waste from another animal. Keep lawns picked up, and discourage your dog from eating poo he finds at the dog park or on your neighbor's lawn. The American Kennel Club says that, as much as this behavior disturbs people, it's fairly normal behavior for dogs. On the other hand, it can sometimes indicate nutrient deficiencies, parasites, or certain medical issues. It's best to talk to the vet about dogs that frequently engage in this habit.

Illnesses that need medical treatment

Sometimes, your dog's bad breath might mean it's time to visit the vet together. For example, foul or even just odd breath smells could indicate diabetes, kidney or liver disease, or other illnesses that vets can diagnose and treat. Most of the time, you can simply keep your dog from eating nasty stuff and attend more often to his dental care. No matter the problem, almost every health condition has a better outcome if it's treated as early as possible.

Related Products

One of the ways you can help keep your dog's breath and overall hygiene in check is to incorporate Moe's Multi Plus Bites into their daily routine. Why not keep them healthy and reward them at the same time! 


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