
The Body Language of Dogs: How Dogs Say They Love You

Posted by Justin Ramb

Dogs can't talk to you the way people do, but they can still communicate. According to the American Psychological Association, the average adult dog can understand hundreds of words and score about the same as a two-year-old human toddler on comprehension tests. 

Only considering verbal language leaves out most of the ways that dogs speak to us. Dogs communicate with various sounds and body language. Even though dogs don't share their thoughts and opinions precisely the same way that people do, they're pretty adept at getting their message across. 

How Your Dog Says, I Love You 

How can you make sure that your dogs love you as much as you love them? Look for these loving behaviors.

  • Eye contact: When your dog gazes into your eyes, that's a sure expression of the way that your pet values and trusts you. Mutual gazing refers to returning the gaze, and scientists found this shared expression releases feel-good hormones in both of your bodies. 
  • Physical closeness: Does your dog love to cuddle, lean against your leg, or touch you with its nose or paws? Your dog accepts you as part of the pack. 
  • Raised eyebrows: No other animals can understand or mimic human facial expressions as well as dogs can. Raised eyebrows mean your dog feels happy to see you paying attention. 
  • Yawns: People generally yawn when they're tired or bored. In contrast, dogs tend to yawn to demonstrate concern and empathy. 

You probably spend time making sure your dogs know and respond to their names, but did you know that they have also learned your name? Many dogs will react with excitement when they hear a pet parent's name, even if that individual is not in the same room. 

Do dogs express affection through tail wagging? 

According to VCA Animal Hospitals, the language of wagging tails is more complex than most people think. Canines might use their tail to express happiness, but a moving tail could also mean they're excited, anxious, and in some cases, even aggressive. 

Even more, puppies tend to learn to use tail wagging to communicate from their parents and littermates so these cues may differ between individual dogs and various households. Wagging speed, tail position, and other body language clues can vary the meaning.

Of course, your dog loves you! 

Your dogs mostly demonstrate their affection through body language and facial expressions. You communicate back in similar ways, even if you're not always consciously aware of it. 

You also demonstrate your love for your dog with the care you take to provide a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition. High-quality dog supplements from Moe's Health Pets offer you a simple and tasty way to manage common health issues.

You can enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that you're doing everything possible to keep your dog healthy and happy, and your pet will understand these tasty bites as a further demonstration of your love.

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